First of all, I can't believe it's been so long since I posted on here. I promise to do better in the future.
The reason I am posting is because of a comment I was told about yesterday that involved my son.
He is a freshman at High School and currently enjoying all the new social horizons that come with moving from a small to a bigger school.
Even if I say so myself, he is a great kid. He is polite, intelligent, caring, funny, considerate and basically an all round nice guy. But there are two things about him that make him less than socially perfect. Well at least to a few people that live around here.
The first one is that he does not 'belong' to a church. But that is not his fault, it is mine and his mother's. We do not believe in the ideal of a structured church style Christianity. The only time Jesus went into his Father's house was to kick the merchants and moneylenders out. He was more concerned with making sure people lived a good life rather than spouting praise and scripture once a week to make up for all the shortcomings throughout the week.
My son lives his life following the rules and guidelines of Christianity without knowing it because that is the way we have raised him and his sisters.
The second reason he is not socially perfect is that his skin has a tint of brown. Yes, he is not of the Aryan race. He is actually my step son. His natural father is Mexican, although my wife, his mother, is caucasian American. I look at him and see my son, not someone else's son, my son. We raised him, we taught him his ethics, and manners. He is the result of our forming and moulding.
Those few people that find my son less than perfect are themselves, upstanding pillars of the community. They hold responsible roles and go to church regularly. They are fully paid up members of their social club (church).
Well I have a message for these upstanding people. I find you less than socially perfect yourselves. You are bigots and hypocrits. You looked at his skin and saw someone less than you. You did not see an A honors student or an acclomplished musician. You did not see a well mannered young man who would speak quietly and politely when spoken to. You saw an Hispanic kid that did not go to your church, therefore a punk. Well let me tell you something. You are all descended from immigrants that failed to make it work in their home country. Unless you are pure blood Native American, you are all less than perfect. But wait a minute. If you were pure NA, that would make you brown skinned. Is there an ammendment to your social rules if that occurs? Afterall, some of the biggest business folk in this area are NA. It is at moments like that, when your hypocracy shines like a beacon.